Presentations and posters of the conference can be referenced by the entry in the book of abstracts, typically one text page and in some cases additional pages with figures, as well as by the link to the video recording on collegerama (presentations) or the link to the PDF on the conference website (posters). For the purpose of consistent referencing we propose to use build BibTex entries according to the following format:

  author    = {Rolf H. Luchsinger and others},
  title     = {Closing the Gap: Pumping Cycle Kite Power with Twings},
  booktitle = {Book of Abstracts of the International Airborne Wind Energy Conference 2015},
  year      = {2015},
  editor    = {Schmehl, Roland},
  publisher = {Delft University of Technology},
  isbn      = {978-94-6186-486-4},
  pages     = {28},
  addendum  = {Presentation video recording available from: \url{}},
  doi       = {10.4233/uuid:7df59b79-2c6b-4e30-bd58-8454f493bb09},
  address   = {Delft, The Netherlands},

where the video recording link or the poster PDF link is given in an addendum field.